Vegetables make up a large proportion of food consumption in Ghana comprising 12.8% of food expenditure (GLSS 2012/13). Also, technology cannot always succeed if it is “photocopied” from one region or country to the other. IN NORTHERN GHANA . Nonetheless, more farmers/private individuals are still interested in the technology because it can be a very profitable venture. Tomato, onion, hot pepper, okra and egg plant are probably the most popular vegetables in Ghana. A key component of the greenhouse technology is monitoring all practices using scientific methods, analyzing and recording all results, then implementing now and in the future. Once all these are sorted out, you are ready to start your farm, have patients and start making tremendous profit. In Ghana, the sector is about a decade old, and began on a shaky note. HOW PROFITABLE IS VEGETABLE FARMING IN Ghana. SEE ALSO: How To Start A Lucrative Plantain Farming In Ghana. Ginger root. The reason for this being that the farmer can start with the lowest of incomes and with diligence and consistent hard work and innovation build on this to turn it to a mega business. This is one of the most important factors to consider and a prior feasibility study will help the farmer answer this question. Agritop and Agric Ministry Covid19 relief Donation Partnership, INTERNSHIP PROGRAM IN ISRAEL FOR GHANAIAN AGRICULTURAL GRADUATES, GREENHOUSE VEGETABLE PRODUCTION IN GHANA – AGRITOP LEADS THE WAY WITH KNOWLEDGE, Production of high value vegetables which are mostly imported in Ghana, Production of quality and healthy vegetables using good agricultural practices, Efficient use of land area through higher productivity, The ability to fine-tune applications geared towards precision agriculture. We Provide Information And Tips-Influencial Articles That Matters To You. Greenhouse vegetable farming comes off as one of the efficient ways to produce healthy vegetables. This assures continuous success as there is a lot more control. The approach of Agritop Limited in the greenhouse sector has been apt – build the production knowledge, then success is guaranteed. Here Are Other Vegetables That Grows In Ghana: 1. 5. This means that practices must have scientific basis which can be verified. Telephone: +233 5564 32762 Vegetable production plays off a major in providing income and employment for a significant proportion of smallholder farmers and traders in Ghana. According to the Director of AHEFS Kwaku Asante, what are needed are vegetable specific policies which strengthen the functioning of the supply chain in ways which stimulate local vegetable production. It describes our focus on irrigated smallholder vegetable production and our understanding of the terms urban‘, ‘peri-urban’ ‘ and ‘wastewater’. News Ghana is Ghana's leading online news portal for business in West Africa and around the World. It is used in the production of fructose. Root vegetables on the other hand, like carrots and radishes carry large amounts of Pro-vitamin A, they also rich in fiber content and they possess very low calorie content. All Rights Reserved. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Fruits And Vegetables: Examples Of Leaf Vegetable, How To Start A Lucrative Plantain Farming In Ghana, How To Start Lucrative Poultry Farming In Ghana, How To Start Diesel Supply Business In Ghana, How To Start A Private (Nursery And Primary) School In Ghana, How To Set Up Petrol Filling Station In Ghana, How To Start Pig Farming In Ghana (Step by Step Guide), How To Start A Cassava Flour Production In Ghana. 6. Prioritizing vegetable production will boost food security in Ghana – AHEFS. Out of the annual national production of 224 million nuts, 179 million (80%) were produced by smallholders from an area of 36,000 hectares. However, an estimated 90% of the vegetables used in Ghana are generally restricted to local or ethnic groups. READ ALSO: How To Start A Rice Farming In Ghana. Technology must be bespoke, or fit the locality it is introduced to. Experience in the terrain, with concrete evidence of production track is key for success in the greenhouse vegetable production sector, and that is what Agritop limited brings on board. VEGETABLE PRODUCTION, CONSUMPTION AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO DIETS ALONG THE URBAN – RURAL CONTINUUM . Vegetables can be grown by people with limited experience. Coconut production in Ghana is mainly in smallholdings (0.5-5.0 ha). Admission of Candidates for three month intensive training in Vegetable Production under Greenhouse and Irrigation Technology Enhancing Small-Scale Aquaculture Towards Agribusiness Development Ban on imports of Day-Old Chicks, Hatching Eggs, Frozen Chicken and … Single small unit greenhouses may only be ideal for subsistence farming, but a reasonable scale is critical for commercial production. Vegetable production in Ghana is threatened by climate change with higher temperatures and longer drought periods. The production of fresh vegetables takes place all around the country and is strongly related to Ghana’s, specific weather conditions and market windows. The farmer must consider which vegetables are most resistant to the prevalent pests and diseases in his location and invest in such, except if he is ready to spend heavily in trying to combat such pests and diseases. Chagomoka T*1, Drescher A1, Glaser R1, Marschner B2, Schlesinger J1, and G Nyandoro3 . Takemore Chagomoka 2. Tags: Starting A Vegetable Farming In Ghana, Vegetable Farming, ARTICLES ON BUSINESS IDEAS AND OPPORTUNITIES, 30 Best Art & Craft Business Ideas And Opportunities, 20 Best Automotive Business Ideas & Opportunities, 20 Best Business Ideas In The Entertainment Industry, 20 Best Fashion Business Ideas & Opportunities, 25 Best Importation And Exportation Business Ideas, 30 Best Internet & Online Business Ideas And Opportunities, 20 Best Media Business Ideas And Opportunities, 10 Best Oil And Gas Business Ideas And Opportunities, 10 Best Real Estate Business Ideas & Opportunities, 25 Best Service Business Ideas & Opportunities, 20 Travel, Hospitality And Tourism Business Ideas. Agritop, 226 Osibisa Close Without such, the open field is a better option. Only skillful farmers sustain their vegetable production … PO Box KIA, 30408 Airport Res. Production and marketing of high quality vegetables and fruits Afram Plains Farms project (APF) is a Ghana -and Swiss-based start-up venture whose corporate mission is the production and marketing of high quality vegetables and fruit. Over the last five years, IWMI’s research in Ghana has had a major thrust in urban and peri- urban agriculture in general and irrigated (open-space) vegetable farming in particular. We want companies that can buy 70,000 litres of cooking vegetable oil weekly, can be delivered to you in Accra Ghana,Benin ,Mali, Niger on FOB/ CIF price is 6 Ghana Cedes per Litre . Accra, Ghana. It is used in the production of flour. Some also use it to reduce direct light intensity on delicate crops. According to the Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ghana has the potential to become Africa’s leader in tomato production, if we expand greenhouse farming. Cucumber. Apart from local vegetables the most important vegetables are tomatoes, peppers (both sweet and hot chillies), onions and okra. Green Beans. There is a plethora of vegetables that the farmer can invest in but he must put into consideration his ready market, his resources and most of all the kind of diseases that affect vegetables in his environment. 1. Vegetable farming even though it is really overlooked in this part of the world and seen as an occupation for the non-elite, is quite lucrative and highly rewarding when it comes to profit yield. This is one of the many food processing units across the country. Vegetables are highly susceptible to pest and disease outbreaks. Several people are in a grey area about the fact that the different colors on different vegetables are existent because of the predominant vitamins present in such vegetable. It is used in the production of ethanol. The crop grows well in all the Regions of the country. Cabbage. Livestock production is a major feature in Ghana’s agriculture and contributes largely towards meeting food needs, providing draught power, manure to maintain soil fertility and structure as well as to provide income, particularly for farmers in the northern part of the country. 2. Agriculture is a science and must always be approached as such. This study characterises the nature of the vegetable production shortfall throughout Ghana for remedial action to be taken. Other vegetables like flower or bud vegetables are equally low in calories but are fibrous in nature, examples of these are broccoli, artichokes, cauliflower, etc. The topography deals basically with the physical outlook of the soil such as the presence of slope, how prone the soil is to erosion, presence of rocks or other underlying materials, presence of tree cover, etc. By now you have noticed that several economies are seeking ways to return to agriculture as their main stay, Ghana inclusive. 3. Asante Akim North collaborates to boost vegetable production ... would help the district earn about $200 million from the export of these vegetables by 2028. 3. Greenish color in vegetables signifies that they are rich in vitamin B9 or vitamin C, while red or orange color signifies abundance of Pro-vitamin A. Leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce, cabbage, chard are known to contain high levels of vitamin B9 as well as vitamin C and Pro-vitamin A, even though they have low energy content. It is therefore important that the farmer seeks out people he is intending to sell to before production. Lettuce. Climatic conditions, management practices, equipment, production system and the profitability of greenhouses vegetable production in seven (7) regions in Ghana were some key factors considered. Vegetable growing lacks the stability which is methodically developed over a period of years like an orchard thus, getting into vegetable production is a fast process and getting out may even be faster. by Nii Larte Lartey. Currently, there are less than 50 hectares of greenhouses used for vegetable production in Ghana, although more structures keep springing up. It is imperative that the farmer takes proper care in studying the land he wants to use to cultivate, especially if he has an intention of going beyond backyard vegetable production. Successfully operating the technology is the biggest channel to success. Vegetable Production - Livingfields Project RMG Ghana Limited, a leading agricultural Input dealership company gave Agric students in eleven tertiary institutions across the country practical orientation on their Livingfields Vegetable Farm at the just ended Agric Students Career Guidance and Mentorship Dialogue (Ag-Stud). Cassava chips is a very popular snack. 5. The Poor Thanks to Perpetual Ofasi, Blue Skies Ghana for the report and the photos At the beginning of the year a vegetable farm was started by Blue Skies at the Dam Site. Chilli Pepper is currently the leading vegetable export from Ghana with the main markets being the U.K., France, the Netherlands and Germany. • North can develop strong competitive position against imports. Speaking to the Ghana … Observing the nutrient content of vegetables, it is little wonder that they are major part of virtually every meal. Tel: +233 234-972-832 or +1-508-812-0505 Contact us: [email protected] Mostly, farming is associated with unsuccessful, illiterate and poor individuals, overtime, this has proved to be a wrong notion as most farmers today are the direct opposite. On the other hand, if he wants to sell to the consumer directly, he should put into consideration a market that will ease the sale of his crops fast enough before they start to spoil. • Good comparative advantage forNorthern Ghana, as onions are mostly produced under dry-season farming around and along water bodies (dams, dugouts, valleys, rivers). Chilli Pepper is produced in Ghana all-year round. Not all businesses require buying and selling, vegetable farming is arguably one of the most lucrative businesses in Ghana, regardless of how you see it. Currently, there are less than 50 hectares of greenhouses used for vegetable production in Ghana, although more structures keep springing up. Hot pepper, okra and egg plant are relatively easy to grow since they are tolerant to the climatic conditions and may be grown as rainfed crops. Car Dealership Business. Most of these vegetables find a ready market, not only in cities but also in rural areas. Seed vegetables are high in calorie content but are very rich in iron, magnesium and fiber content, while pods are rich in fiber content, vitamin B9 and vitamin C with low calorie content. Indeed, the technology also comes with other accessories like drip irrigation which enables efficient production. Minimum order is 35000 litres in a t. Tags: Ghana Cottonseed Oil Buyers Ghana Food Beverages Buyers Ghana Jp54 Buyers Over the years, the company has built the required expertise and the best team to ensure greenhouse vegetable production remains “a dream come true” for several farmers. It is not uncommon to find several “dotted” greenhouses across the length and breadth of the country, with most of them abandoned. The most critical roles are played by greenhouse agronomists who operate the system. Table 1: Role of key players in Ghana’s formal seed sector ROLE KEY PLAYERS Research and breeding CRI, SARI, West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement, universities, IITA 1.2 Ghana’s Vegetable Sector Overall vegetable consumption in Ghana is still rela-tively small, also in comparison with other African countries like Kenya, but is expanding rapidly. vegetable crop in Northern Ghana with more than 20,000 households involved in production. Vegetable farming happens to be one of the easiest forms of agriculture to engage in as it requires little or no expertise just a willingness to be involved and an ability to learn fast on the job. However, despite favorable agro-ecological conditions, local vegetable production fails to meet demand. Several soil attributes like the topography, water content and retention capacity, soil type, etc. Tomato and onion are more difficult to Tomato is the most important vegetable in Ghana and a primary cash crop; annual production has doubled over the last thirty years. vegetable production in Ghana. These vegetables find a ready market, in the all areas of the country (urban area, rural areas and foreigners). It is used in the production of starch. Agritop believes greenhouse is the future for vegetable production in Ghana, with the potential of creating means of livelihoods for many who want to go into farming. should be studied intently before delving into production. These can in one way or the other affect the growth rate and survival of the vegetables. It is evident that one of the major ingredients one can consume to stay healthy is vegetables, and that should be done frequently. In the case of vegetable it is quite different, this is because vegetables grow very fast and at the same time are highly perishable food crops, which means they get spoilt very easily. As a matter of fact, several high value vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, strawberries, etc., are produced by several countries around the world using the greenhouse technology. There are several kinds of vegetables and each of these different kinds possess their unique nutritional values, even though they all have certain nutrients present in all of them. Vegetables of national importance are listed in Table 1. One thriving business that an aspiring entrepreneur or investor can start in … Just like most other businesses, the capital required to begin vegetable farming is largely dependent on the scale the farmer wants to operate. Discovering this comes through trials and building local experience or expertise. This is the case despite Ghana being better placed to produce vegetables than the neighbouring countries from which it imports. Single small unit greenhouses may only be ideal for subsistence farming, but a reasonable scale is critical for commercial production. Vegetable production using greenhouse is a globally proven technology. It is important to state that the greenhouse is only a structure, usually made of metal poles serving as the frame and polyethylene roof adjoined to anti-insect side net covers. He needs to decide whether he wants to sell to middlemen or directly to the end consumer, if he is selling to middlemen, he should seek them out and strike a deal with them. Tomatoes, okra, onions, and eggplant are the major vegetables produced in the country. Improving marketing capacity for specialty crops in Ghana. … The possibility of producing even when there is no soil, or where soils are poor. Vegetables are a major aspect of virtually every soup in all the different tribes of the country, they are also seen as major condiments used in preparing both local and continental dishes. 3. Whilst some farmers in temperate regions may be using the technology to conserve heat, others in the tropics may be using it to protect their crops from pests. The vegetables most commonly grown in Ghana are: tomato, onion, shallots, okra, eggplant (garden-eggs), sweet pepper, carrots, cabbage, chili pepper, and hot pepper. What Are The Nutritional Benefits Of Vegetable. urbanization in West Africa, and in Ghana in particular, the general role of urban agriculture and the commonuse of polluted irrigation water. The question that arises is: why are most farmers not getting the expected results from greenhouses? A list of some of these vegetables is found in Table 2. The purpose of this initiative is to supply the canteen with fresh and hygienic vegetables. Researchers from Aarhus University, in collaboration with several Ghanaian universities, will investigate how to make farmers and vegetable production less sensitive to climate change and future-proof vegetable production in the country. In the wake of the Ebola outbreak, the Horticulture Innovation Lab was asked to evaluate fruit and vegetable production in Guinea, as part of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s ongoing response in the region. Headquaters: We are very sure that you must be wondering why this is the first step, because usually, you create the product before looking for where to sell it. 4. If you must knowing, farming is a honorable occupation with great prospect for the future. The list represents less than half the vegetables used - either cultivated, tended or collected from the wild. NOBAC Food Processing Limited. 4. Once the right advice is received in these areas, one can clearly understand the production regime and go ahead to use the technology to best effect. Vegetable production and marketing play an important role in providing income and employment for a significant proportion of small holder farmers and traders in Ghana. Every technology is made to solve a specific challenge or problem. The technology has several advantages, including: Greenhouse types serve different purposes for the cultivation process in different parts of the world. Ghana is in this regard a representative example for sub-Saharan Africa. Vegetables are a major aspect of virtually every soup in all the different tribes of the country, they are also seen as major condiments used in preparing both local and continental dishes. Not all businesses require buying and selling, vegetable farming is arguably one of the most lucrative businesses in Ghana, regardless of how you see it. However, these materials in themselves cannot produce 1gram of tomato or cucumber. Ghana (NASTAG) is a new association that brings together all the seed companies and other key players in the indus‐ try. Expertise is required in areas of seed selection, raising transplants, agro-techniques, crop protection and fertigation, among others. The secret is knowledge. 4. Copyright © 2020 TIPSINFLUENCER. The urban vegetable production in ghana rural CONTINUUM and Tips-Influencial Articles that Matters to you 's online... Local vegetable production shortfall throughout Ghana for remedial action to be taken keep. Countries from which it imports of vegetables, and that should be done frequently in rural areas and foreigners.! Is evident that one of the country ( urban area, rural areas and foreigners ) prospect. One way or the other produce 1gram of tomato or cucumber and )... 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vegetable production in ghana

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