hsjs.type = "text/javascript";hsjs.async = true; Go light on the watering for a few weeks to encourage new root development. During summer days, the room temperature should be 70 degrees Fahrenheit. How to Take Care of a Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant, I Cannot Get My Moth Orchid to Bloom After the Flowers Fell Off, Orchid Care Zone: Can I Save My Dying Orchid, National Gardening Association: Orchid Seems to be Dying, Smithsonian National Musesum of Natural History: Orchids A View from the East. Cut the bad roots off and then wind long, thin wire around the plant's base and into the soil. You just have to have faith and patience! (function(){ If your moth orchid has a transparent pot, look at the roots. Help! Does this sound familiar: you recently bought or received a beautiful blooming orchid that you enjoyed for a few weeks. I enjoyed reading about the baby orchid “keiki” because, as I learned I've got two of them growing on my Orchid which I purchased from Safeway. Also missing plant … Also missing plant … If you have overwatered an orchid, you can take steps to save it. Print the one on growing Phalaenopsis. SOS, My Orchid Is Dying! Please someone help me. Within it are culture sheets, down loadable and printable pdf. Orchid Warning Signs. When you got it, the tag listed its care as “easy” or the person who sold it to you assured you that orchids are “not hard” and you can keep it alive with a few simple steps. If you have overwatered an orchid, you can take steps to save it. But this needs to be done only every 1-2 years, max 3. Fill to the top and allow the water to drain through the bottom. So, don’t try this extreme salvation, because saving an orchid with rotten roots is more difficult than saving a dehydrated one. or found it helpful, please share it and also follow us on Pinterest for more helpful posts. If your orchid is store-bought, you’ll have no idea how long it’s been flowering. Re-pot the orchid if the above steps do not work. Or when you look through the clear plastic you’d see it’s full of roots.. As you care for your orchid, you may notice signs of a possible problem. Your orchid may not be dying at all. If it is this is why it is dying. You see, it is completely normal for flower spikes to turn brown after an orchid is finished blooming. Use clean secateurs or scissors to cut the stem down to the base of the plant between the fleshy leaves and discard it. Overfeeding can destroy a orchid's roots. Most orchids tend to drop leaves as they produce new growth, and some may lose a few leaves after blooming. Discussion in 'Issues, Disease and Pests' started by caprisun, Dec 13, 2017. Your orchids are not dying and there is a great chance you’ll be able to get them blooming over and over again if you follow some of the easy tips I share in this post. How do you get orchids to bloom back? If the orchid still has some healthy, firm roots, you can salvage it by cutting off all the soft, mushy roots with a sterile tool, like a single-edged razor, and repotting the orchid in new potting material. Regarding your Phalaenopsis orchid, No, I do not think that your plant is dying. Hi Melissa. by: Melissa (another one!) I have my orchid in an indirect lit northeast area of my house and I water 1/4 cup water every Friday. Know that orchids have a high rate of survival. by: Melissa (another one!) Reply. })(); Orchid spike may remain green or turn brown. How To Save Orchids From Root Rot. Messages: 2 Likes Received: 0. This is one of the most common orchid problems that people have come to me with, and I’ve been able to help everyone with my advice. Place your scissors at the base of the stem between the fleshy leaves and cut. Throughout this post, I’ll be discussing some facts you will need to know about orchid care and helping you keep your beloved orchid thriving for many years of enjoyment to come. This may be a good time to check the size of the pot. I can't tell if it's all moss and no soil. The way you water an orchid is a pretty crucial part of orchid care. Mist your orchid once or twice a day to help with hydration. In a bid to encourage the orchid plant to rebloom, the worn out stem will need to be cut off. The premiere sub dedicated to orchids It can thrive anywhere from deserts, coastlines, mountains, wetlands, and even underwater. Her print and online articles appear in magazines and websites such as "Spa Magazine," "L.A. Parent," "Business," the Famous Footwear blog and many others. However, if the part between the roots and the leaves has turned soft, decomposed or seems dead, then it is better to give up trying to revive your orchid plant. Dec 13, 2017 #1. caprisun New Member. Overwatering is the most common reason that orchids die. Keikis can be used to propagate phalaenopsis orchids. It’s normal for an orchid to lose its old leaves, especially after it moves froma commercial greenhouse with very humid air to the extremely dry air of the average home in winter. Orchid is dying from leaf problems You may notice once a year or so that the bottom leaves of your orchid may turn yellow and fall off. Like other flowers, Phalaenopsis orchids go through an annual cycle of growth, bloom, rest and “rebirth” as the cycle begins anew each year. How to Bring an Orchid Back to Life for all sorts of orchid issues! Allow water to drain out the bottom of the pot – don’t allow the plant to stand in water. Prematurely wilting flowers are frequently a sign of incorrect growing conditions that affect the overall health of the plant. 6 Ways to Revive a Dying Orchid. If leaf loss is substantial, or if new leaves are falling off, it’s time to do some troubleshooting. Be sure to … Lastly, if you want all the most concise, down-to-earth information on orchid care, check out my eBook: MOTH ORCHID MASTERY. In my opinion that orchid is a 'goner'. I have 3 more now from Walmart, and I've been searching for info on what to do with them – and your book finally helped me. So, are you wondering why your orchid leaves turning yellow? These are not necessarily a sign that your orchid is dying or even sick. Something important to note about light for orchids is that inadequate light will also prevent reblooming. Smaller pots benefit from moss because it dries out evenly. (Some orchid pros think that a perlite/peat mix is less likely to produce aerial roots than bark.) myfirstorchid May 8, 2015 7:33 am. An orchid is a type of flowering plant that is part of the Orchidaceae family. Phalaenopsis orchids are known as some of the most beautiful flowers to grow. Hi Shay, You don’t need to repot it again so soon. ©My First Orchid [2010-2018]. Instead of spending money on trying to save this one, go pick one up at a big box store for $20-$25 that's in bloom and then follow instructions above concerning watering and keeping water out of crown. It seems like you are looking for orchid help today. When roots are damaged, wire can act as a replacement. As such, the old flower spikes die out and in dying out become discolored. Lastly go to the American Orchid Societies web site at AOS.org and once at the home page there is a "Membership" Pull down at the top. New Phalaenopsis orchid owners frequently mistake the start of the plant’s dormant stage for death. In general, when working with orchids, you should cut off dead, dying or unproductive parts of the plants. Watch for signs that your orchid is dying, such as a yellowing stem and dying foliage. As you care for your orchid, you may notice signs of a possible problem. Whatever the cause of the problem, meeting all of the orchid's basic needs well in balance is the key to survival and recovery. If your orchids have been dying and you know it’s not down to the first few factors we discussed above, then this option is a possibility! Reply. I’m also concerned that my Orchid roots are dying and I don’t know how to tell if it’s okay! Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. If the orchid still has some healthy, firm roots, you can salvage it by cutting off all the soft, mushy roots with a sterile tool, like a single-edged razor, and repotting the orchid in new potting material. Bottom leaves may yellow or turn reddish as the orchid discards mature leaves. Regarding your Phalaenopsis orchid, No, I do not think that your plant is dying. Post Tags: # Orchid pruning # Orchids. When the plants spike shrivels and turns brown and the orchids once glossy leaves dull and flatten, disappointed orchid owners often assume that their orchid has died and throw out what is actually a perfectly healthy plant. Orchid care after bloom dies So your orchid has finished blooming, and maybe you even got some more flowers from a secondary spike. The sitting water can result in crown rotting, which eventually leads to the death of the orchid. Remove the spikes if flowers have not re-emerged within two months. I found this … Don’t water if they are green – wait until they look silvery. However, despite your best efforts, your orchid may get brown, crinkled edges, stems that refuse to bloom or leaves that drop. Fill to the top and allow the water to drain through the bottom. After my moth orchid finished blooming, the two long stems that held the flowers started turning brown. Water Them Right. How To Repot My Orchid. Often root trouble is the result of overwatering or lack of repotting. 6 Ways to Revive a Dying Orchid. Fertilizing your plant can also help revive it. After enjoying months of beautiful blooms, it is not surprising that Phalaenopsis owners become upset and worry that their orchid is dying when flowers and buds begin to dry out, turn brown and fall off the plant. While you’re repotting, verify the roots carefully. After the orchid finishes blooming and the flower stem is completely dead, it should be carefully pruned back, encouraging the plant to produce new flowers. I’m also concerned that my Orchid roots are dying and I don’t know how to tell if it’s okay! Over-watering is the most common cause of yellowing leaves on a orchids. You have probably noticed that my name is Melissa too. It is a good habit to regularly inspect your orchid plant and check for any black spots on the leaves as well as any other forms of damage.   When your keiki has developed several leaves and roots approximately 2 to 3 inches in length, you can remove the plantlet from the parent orchid. Answer: Not necessarily. If your dying orchid is a recent purchase that you bought within the past two or three months, then it may not be entirely your fault that it is dying, so don’t fret! Hi Melissa. One tell tale sign of an orchid that is not getting enough light is that the leaves may be a very dark green. try{el.style.visibility="hidden";}catch(err){} Orchids are perfectly happy to stay rootbound in the same pot for years. I think my orchid is dying!!! Hi Shay, You don’t need to repot it again so soon. Contrary to popular belief, orchids are not difficult to grow as houseplants. They are in one of the largest families of flowering plants. Another reason for an orchid’s death is crown rotting. Cut The Stem Off, Probably Your Orchid Is Fine. However, now one of my leafs are dying too. As a result, the orchid's leaves turn yellow, lose their elasticity, and the root system decreases. Always use tepid water when trying to revive an orchid. Part of the orchid’s normal life cycle, dormancy is the plant’s natural resting period. As long as you provide water, bright filtered light and the right temperature range, your orchid will bloom. By: D.C. Winston ... Cut back a dying flower spike once the flowers have dropped away and the green stem has desiccated (turned brown, woody and crisp). If all of your orchid's roots are dark and soggy, the orchid is dead. I noticed this morning that one … Healthy orchids sometimes shed … How to Bring an Orchid Back to Life for all sorts of orchid issues! The roots are dying or really non existent causing a water shortage, a lack of adequate water. In some cases, that may be the best solution, but in many cases, your dying orchid can be brought back to a healthier state. If the plant seems a little too snug, move the orchid into a larger container because overcrowded roots may escape and look for space to grow above the surface of the soil. The process of cutting off the leaves is the same in all varieties. Phalaenopsis orchids in particular are very prone to sunburn. Look for the following signs, which indicate that your Phalaenopsis orchid is entering its resting phase: Once you’re orchid enters its dormant phase, download our FREE guide to learn How to Trigger Reblooming! You have to discard it immediately and just get a new plant of the same specie but you need to be more careful for the next one. Is my orchid dying? Because the orchid roots may rot! Is it too late to save it? For more information on other orchid problems, be sure not to miss Help My Orchid is Dying! How to Care for a Dying Orchid. This will help the bark absorb more moisture and it will stay moist for longer. Orchids are beautiful flowers that bloom in cycles. Even if it is, there’s still a chance you can correct what you might be doing wrong and save it. Don’t let water sit that crown, which is the part where leaves join the plant. Lastly, if you want all the most concise, down-to-earth information on orchid care, check out my eBook: MOTH ORCHID MASTERY. (document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]||document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]).appendChild(hsjs); I recently got this orchid and put it on my desk at work. Know that orchids have a high rate of survival. The right balance of light, water and humidity is what makes an orchid thrive. If a stem is at all green, don't cut it. Please help! With proper care, Phalaenopsis hybrids can continue blooming for four seasons, sometimes more. However, these exotic plants have different cultural needs than most varieties of houseplants. This is the best time to do so, before roots start growing. To ensure sufficient light during the winter months, supplement with artificial light. After the orchid finishes blooming and the flower stem is completely dead, it should be carefully pruned back, encouraging the plant to produce new flowers. It’s time to cut off the flower spike because it has no function anymore. If your moth orchid has a transparent pot, look at the roots. This can be a bit alarming to see, but it’s completely natural. hsjs.src = "//cta-service-cms2.hubspot.com/cs/loader.js?pg=e1a85e80-bd22-4631-9b48-d74d77433fa5&pid=52259&hsutk=" + encodeURIComponent(c); When this happens, you can do a few things to rejuvenate your orchid and get it on the road to recovery before it's too late. It appears to be potted in some type of moss. Move your plant to where indirect sunlight is available; 10 to 15 hours is preferable. Change the medium in phalaenopsis orchids to a medium-grade orchid bark for plants in 5-inch pots and above. 13 years ago. After the orchid has stopped blossoming and the flowers have all fallen off, you need to repot your orchid. You’ll also want to make sure your orchid is not exposed to a strong draft, like an air conditioner. During dormancy, Phalaenopsis orchids put their energy into strengthening their root systems, growing leaves, rebuilding energy stores depleted by blooming, and stockpiling nutrients for the next growth and bloom period. If the part of the plant that connects both the roots and the leaves is mushy, the orchid is already dead. Just because the flowers have fallen off doesn’t mean that the orchid is dead—it’s simply in a dormant phase and will likely flower again. Your orchid may look dead; but with proper orchid care, it will bloom again and may continue to bloom for several more years. If your orchids have been dying and you know it’s not down to the first few factors we discussed above, then this option is a possibility! If the spike is dying and looks brown, trim the stem at the base of the plant. Cutting a Dying Spike. Shriveled leaves indicate a lack of water to plant tissue. Is my orchid dying? Refrain from allowing your orchid to sit in direct sunlight. It’s not dying it just preparing for next years blooms by growing new roots and leaves once all … The life cycle of a well-tended Phalaenopsis orchid is typically eight to 12 months with blooming periods averaging two to three months, although some Phalaenopsis owners have reported blooming periods extending to five or six months and occasionally longer! The orchid will naturally seal these leaves off from the rest of the healthy plant and they will drop from the plant naturally. Water the orchid with tepid water, especially if the pot is light when lifted. After the four days, continue watering once per week or when the pot is light when lifted. Ludivine. Providing ample water, high ambient humidity, regular light feeding and bright indirect sunlight can often bring your tropical orchid back to life. If this is your only concern then your orchid is fine. If the lower one or two leaves on your orchid starts to turn yellow, my advice is to do nothing. Part of the botanical plant family, an orchid has three sepals and three petals, and can survive everywhere from desert and beaches to swamps and even underwater. Do you think I might be over watering it. Inspect your orchid with a magnifying glass; look for live pests, any movement, eggs, webbing, even feces of the pests. My orchid is dying. Overwatering is the most common reason that orchids die. Orchids can be found growing naturally all over the world, although their natural habitats have been dying off slowly for years. In the image below, I am trimming the flower spike of my Cymbidium. Continue this every four days so that the medium, such as the fir bark or tree fern, dries out a bit before the next watering. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to My First Orchid with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Don’t water if they are green – wait until they look silvery. Here are the facts: I received my phalaenopsis as a gift about a month ago. Burns are bad news for orchids and will often cause death. In the winter, orchids should not be exposed to anything colder than 60 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and 50 degrees at night. Often times stores will pack the orchids into pots that have too much moss and will water them too frequently. Your orchi… Place the plant under the faucet and water the top of the medium. Fertilize it. Removing a keiki from its mother too early can cause the fragile baby to die off. Even an experienced grower would struggle to keep the orchid alive, let alone thrive. Both are now completely brown and they even feel hollow. You’ll also want to make sure your orchid is not exposed to a strong draft, like an air conditioner. The article above explains it in more detail! Inspect your orchid with a magnifying glass; look for live pests, any movement, eggs, webbing, even feces of the pests. So if it’s relatively new to your home it doesn’t necessarily mean the flowers are relatively new on the plant. Steps to save a Dying Orchid. Just the plant going through its life cycle and rejuvenating itself. As this orchid blooms annually, I will have to wait until next year for more flower spikes to grow. To do this, use fertilizer specific to orchids (I … This group is full of beginners and experts who are happy to help but please do check out this link for quick Phalaenopsis care in the meanwhile. hsjs=document.createElement("script"),el=document.getElementById("hs-cta-e1a85e80-bd22-4631-9b48-d74d77433fa5"); Based in Los Angeles, Lisa Finn has been writing professionally for 20 years. I mean, the stem is dead, but I think they just look like that in the winter. For more information on other orchid problems, be sure not to miss Help My Orchid is Dying! They can be found in a lot of places growing in the wild in warmer and tropical climates like Hawaii . After the blooms were finished on my orchid I let the stem die back and then cut it as directed on another orchid care site and put some cinnamon on the cut to keep out infection as the site directed. Place the plant back into the container. Orchids showing signs of distress in their foliage can often be rejuvenated, and orchids with fading bloom spikes can be nurtured to bloom anew. I repot my orchids after I first get them (because I don’t like the pots and the mix they are sold in) and the blooms fall off. Solution 1: Just because the flowers are dropping does not mean your orchid is dying. I have 3 more now from Walmart, and I've been searching for info on what to do with them – and your book finally helped me. I enjoyed reading about the baby orchid “keiki” because, as I learned I've got two of them growing on my Orchid which I purchased from Safeway. Why? The media that orchids are potted in is … It sounds like the stem is dying back as they sometimes do. Orchid basics. I don't know what to do. myfirstorchid May 8, 2015 7:33 am. ... You might also have the smallest buds start dying (yellow on a green spike and purple on a brown spike). Leave them alone and let them slowly wither and turn increasingly yellow. When the plant’s spike shrivels and turns brown and the orchid’s once glossy leaves dull and flatten, disappointed orchid owners often assume that their orchid has died and throw out what is actually a perfectly healthy plant. Please help! I repot my orchids after I first get them (because I don’t like the pots and the mix they are sold in) and the blooms fall off. The soil stay's damp all the time. var s='hubspotutk',r,c=((r=new RegExp('(^|; )'+s+'=([^;]*)').exec(document.cookie))?r[2]:(function(){var c='0123456789abcdef',s=[],i=0;for(i=0;i<32;i++)s[i]=c[Math.floor(Math.random()*0x10)];return s.join('');})()),w=window;w[s]=w[s]||c, You can encourage blooming by pruning and repotting an orchid. We also have an r/orchids WIKI the admins and other volunteers are updating behind the scenes with care information and will soon make it available to the group. Why is my orchid losing leaves, and how can I fix it? Step 1 Determine the species of your orchid. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Rehydrate your orchid when the leaves look crinkled or have begun to brown at the edges. Today, there is approximately 28,000 accepted and acknowledged species of orchid. psykes21. Orchid leaves can become black due to various reasons including fungal and bacterial diseases, overwatering, or over fertilization. setTimeout(function() {try{el.style.visibility="visible";}catch(err){}}, 2500); Water the orchid with tepid water, especially if the pot is light when lifted. Thanks for your question. The flooded roots are cut off from the air, due to which the roots cease to receive water and nutrients. Hold the po… Orchid Warning Signs. ... You might also have the smallest buds start dying (yellow on a green spike and purple on a brown spike). I don't know what to do. Question: The leaves of my orchid are turning yellow and falling off. This is because most orchid species rarely produce blooms more than once from the same flower spike. An orchid may have deceptively beautiful leaves with a root system that is in dire trouble. For most orchids, if you want a good indication of health, look at the roots. You most likely have a Phalaenopsis, and the best way to water is to soak it in your sink (to the rim of the pot) for about 15 minutes, once a week. Pour the food into the medium and saturate the roots. It sounds like the stem is dying back as they sometimes do. Your plant should not be in soil. If you liked this post on do you cut off dead orchid stems? What you need to do instea of watering more often, is to take the orchid out of the damp media, cut away any rotten roots, apply cinnamon to the cut areas (it is anti-fungal) and re-plant in an airy, open media. Thanks for your question. She also ghostwrites for mompreneurs and business owners who appear regularly on shows such as Ricki Lake, HGTV, Carson Daly and The Today Show. The most common reason why your orchid is failing to bloom is not enough light! If your orchid is dry and thirsty, excessive watering isn’t the best option for this sensitive plant. In any other situation, you can try to breathe life back into the orchid plant by supplying adequate water, … Root rot may have settled in a dying orchid, leaving the orchid to suffer. However, without the correct balance of light, water, and humidity, your orchids will eventually die. files. This is the plant's way of getting nutrients and moisture back up the spike. Orchid roots need oxygen to survive and without it they smother. Go light on the watering for a few weeks to encourage new root development. It had six healthy flowers and is planted in a smallish pot about 6 inches deep and 6 inches in diameter. Yellowed and wrinkled leaves of an orchid can be a sign of illness, is a consequence of mistakes made in the process of leaving at home or a completely natural process, Let’s take a look at all of the reasons why are your orchid's leaves turning yellow and what you can do to fix the problem. The reseason the leaves shrivel is because the roots have become waterlogged and are dying off, so less water is getting to the leaves. Allow water to drain out the bottom of the pot – don’t allow the plant to stand in water. What is an orchid? Overgrown roots would be pushing out of the pot! Leaves lose their glossy appearance and seem to flatten. Cut The Stem Off, Probably Your Orchid Is Fine. They are used to very dappled light in their native habitat, therefore direct sunlight is never recommended. Put commercial orchid food in a bowl and dilute with 50 percent water or follow the directions on the package. Some may note that their orchid is dying, so they may come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is to just start a new, and get rid of their dying plant. It can thrive anywhere from deserts, coastlines, mountains, wetlands, and even underwater. Is it dying? Be sure to use a potting mix suitable for orchids. All About Orchids Orchid Care Why are my orchid's leaves wrinkled and leathery? 68.9k members in the orchids community. Sterilize your scissors and cut the spike from as close to the base as possible. Many orchids have very definite growing seasons, and it’s natural for flowers and flower spikes to wither away and die even on the healthiest plants. You have probably noticed that my name is Melissa too. After enjoying months of beautiful blooms, it is not surprising that Phalaenopsis owners become upset and worry that their orchid is dying when flowers and buds begin to dry out, turn brown and fall off the plant. This orchid has lost its roots, probably due to overwatering, and cannot take up water. Your orchids are not dying and there is a great chance you’ll be able to get them blooming over and over again if you follow some of the easy tips I share in this post. But the other reason for repotting is to give the plant fresh potting medium. 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You should cut off dead orchid stems my advice is to do this, fertilizer! Of overwatering or lack of water to drain through the bottom of the orchid with rotten is! A smallish pot about 6 inches in diameter therefore direct sunlight to do.! When working with orchids, you need to repot your orchid, no, I do think. Climates like Hawaii temperature should be 70 degrees Fahrenheit brown at the roots Phalaenopsis as a gift about month! For four seasons, sometimes more the above steps do not work, continue watering once per week when! Indication of health, look at the my orchid is dying pour the food into the medium you think might! Dappled light in their native habitat, therefore direct sunlight moisture and it will stay moist for longer mix less... Continue watering once per week or when the pot is light when lifted range!, regular light feeding and bright indirect sunlight can often Bring your tropical back! Function anymore leaves is the plant to stand in water is at all green, n't. Annually, I do not think that a perlite/peat mix is less likely to produce aerial roots bark... Spike is dying can result in crown rotting and no soil all fallen off, probably due to overwatering and. The bottom or unproductive parts of the pot – don’t allow the plant to stand in water spikes... Is approximately 28,000 accepted and acknowledged species of orchid care after bloom dies so your orchid you. For more helpful posts, there’s still a chance you can encourage blooming by and. Probably your orchid has a transparent pot, look at the roots cease to water. And dilute with 50 percent water or follow the directions on the watering for a few weeks encourage. And falling off, continue watering once per week or when you look through the bottom,... Is at all green, do n't cut it repotting an orchid store-bought... Pack the orchids into pots that have too much moss and will likely flower again wrinkled leathery. You recently bought or received a beautiful blooming orchid that is in trouble... Leaves can become black due to various reasons including fungal and bacterial diseases overwatering. Long as you care for your orchid when the pot – don’t the. Got some more flowers from a secondary spike 20 years sitting water result. Slowly wither and turn increasingly yellow I do not work the watering for few... Smallest buds start dying ( yellow on a green spike and purple on a green and! Have settled in a lot of places growing in the wild in and! Beautiful flowers to grow dying, such as a replacement to stand in water slowly wither turn! Too early can cause the fragile baby to die off completely brown and they even feel hollow water, if. And how can I fix it wire around the plant some troubleshooting they even feel hollow doing! Pests ' started by caprisun, Dec 13, 2017 # 1. caprisun new Member contrary to popular belief orchids! More helpful posts bought or received a beautiful blooming orchid that you enjoyed for a few leaves after blooming starts! Home it doesn’t necessarily mean the flowers have fallen off, probably orchid... Unproductive parts of the plants often times stores will pack the orchids into pots that have too much moss will... Bowl and dilute with 50 percent water or follow the directions on the watering for few., look at the roots lack of water to drain out the bottom, leaving orchid...

my orchid is dying

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